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Thursday, May 13, 2010

New to Bloggin

A friend of mine started a blog and it was quite entertaining (thanks PAN) so I decided, "what the heck?" So here I am writing nonsense about nothing and wondering if anyone cares.

What you can expect to read about here on my blog would be my life, my son, my wife, the Utah Jazz, twitter, video games, awesome tv shows, work, and anything else I feel interested to talk about. It should be quite an experiance for everyone involved. I finally just graduated from College with my Bachelors of Science in Business Management and I plan on writing a book so maybe I will include details about that. I am currently the Store Director at the Downtown Idaho Falls Syringa Wireless location, enjoy the job. Been doing telecommunications for 6 years now, crazy.

Man I am tired, my son hasnt been sleeping well. I finally finished my basement last night and I plan on putting a vinyl fence in my yard in the next week so that should be exciting... you never know. I could go streaking! Probably not, neighbors would call the Police. Anyways, moving on.

I have really become addicted to twitter. Love it, find it the easiest way to get all the news I want about things I care about. The NBA trade deadline, Twitter was the place to be, everyone was breaking news before ESPN could even report it. Same happened on the NFL Draft and combine events.

So I also enjoy facebook because all my peeps are there and stay in touch. I like Farmville, dont know why but I want to beat my friends at it but I find it nearly impossible. I used to write a blog on fannation about basketball, maybe I will repost some of those blogs, the really good ones. One of my posts recieved 20 thousand views, I was impressed. I thought I would land a guest column job on si.com but that never happened. I would really like to do that though.

1 comment:

  1. Hey buddy very nice looking blog and can't wait to read more!
